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Volume 6 Issue 2

February 2005


Introduction | Hanna Herzog

In Memory of Reuven Kahane | Yechezkel Dar

Israel and the Escape Victims of Military Repression in Argentina

Luis Roniger and Mario Sznajder

During the military dictatorship of 1976 in Argentina, between 350 400 citizens who feared for their lives were able to escape Argentina and shelter in Israel. This article considers the evolving procedures, institutional mechanisms and escape routes operated by Israeli diplomats and representatives stationed in Argentina and neighboring countries, and assesses the impact official policies, Israel's friendly relations with the military government, the ethos of helping persecuted Jews. The parallel analysis of the social political background of those who chose to appeal for Israeli help indicates weak attachment to Jewish communal ties. It also raises the issue of the negotiation of identity, as interpreted by persecuted individuals and Israeli representatives against a background of contradictory interests, commitments and constraints that prevented those at-risk from fleeing a country friendly to Israel ruled - at the time - by a repressive government.

The National City and the International City: Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

Nurit Alfasi and Tovi Fenster

This paper examines the impact of globalization processes on the two largest cities in Israel: Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. As globalization has greatly influenced the Israeli urban arena, this paper seeks to understand how these cities integrate in global flows. In this article, fundamental differences between the cities are explored and several indicators of the two cities' opposing municipal-state relations are introduced, along with marked differences in citizen-authority interactions. The research suggests that the state is deeply involved in Jerusalem's municipal issues but its impact on Tel Aviv's local governance is more limited, and weakening. The state limits Jerusalem's global interactions while influencing its concept of citizenship, whereas in Tel Aviv the municipality has developed policies independent of the state and has helped in the creation of global attitudes of citizenship. The article attributes these findings to the observation that Jerusalem is a 'national city' and Tel Aviv is a global city.

The Roles of Mass Media in the Crisis Period: The Case of immigrants from the FSU in Israel

Nelly Elias

This study examines the roles of mass media during the integration process of immigrants from the Former Soviet Union after the beginning of the El Aksa Intifada. The research is based on 30 semi-structured interviews with immigrants from the FSU who have lived in Israel for varying lengths time. The findings indicate that for most respondents the main reason for choosing specific media is the medium ability to provide an updated information about the recent events in Israel. Moreover, since the beginning of the Intifada many respondents have started to watch the news on Israeli channels because they consider them more trustworthy and relevant than news broadcasts on Russian channels. The findings of this study thus indicate the emerging tendency to prefer the media consumption in Russian and Hebrew languages. This holds true even for those immigrants who, until the beginning of the Intifada, exclusively consumed Russian-language media.

From the Silence to a Voice: Women and Teaching in Bedouin Society in the Negev

Anat Pasta-Schubert

In this article, I join the discussion about education in Palestinian/Bedouin society in the Negev in Israel, and offer narratives of female trainee teachers as the basis for an analysis of the changing status of Bedouin women and their communities. Teaching gives Bedouin women from the Negev an opportunity to integrate themselves into the public spheres of education and employment. In becoming a part of these communities, they are constructing a new educational discourse. The case of Bedouin society in the Negev is particularly interesting for the insight it offers into public perceptions of teaching, largely because education is such a significant practice in the life of a community seeking integration into Israeli society. The academic discourse on teaching in Bedouin society ignores the existence of a discussion outside the categories of "traditional and modern" and/or "Jewish and Bedouin". This article is based on the narratives of ten female Bedouin students from the Negev who were trained as teachers. Six of these students studied at teachers' colleges, and the remaining four studied in a special teaching-certificate program at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in the Southern part of Israel. The latter are university graduates.

"Talking Past" — "Talking Present": Interpretive Discourse in a Museum Exhibition

Shelly Shenhav-Keller

The article explores the interpretive discourse on the past during rituals of remembrance and guided tours in a museum exhibition. The field chosen for this research is the Museum of the Jewish Diaspora, in Tel-Aviv. The analysis is based on ethnographic research and focuses on the two interpretive dimensions of museum guidance. One dimension concentrates on the meanings and symbolic processing of the past and the way it is interwoven with the present. Three discourse practices of presenting the past and connecting between past and present will illustrate this dimension. The second penetrates to the themes and content of the discourse, and analyzes the representation of social boundaries and relations between Jews and non-Jews, as well as between different groups in Israeli society. This interpretive discourse is steeped in memory, and imprints upon the present and creates a dialogue between the Jewish past and reality of Israeli life outside museum exhibitions.

'Beautiful Group Portrait with a Gun' — Visual Representations of Women Soldiers in Israel Defense Force Albums 1948-1958 | Chava Brownfield-Stein

Visual representations of women soldiers are part of the Israeli cultural codex. This interpretative paper deals with the political use of representations and their function in social contexts. Inspired by Althusser, the discussion focuses on the interplay among visual images and social systems. The research examines photographs of women soldiers that appear in official albums published by the Israel Defense Force (IDF), with a relation to archival material dating from 1948 to 1958 stored in IDF archive. The albums contain dominant discourse and self-image that the military disseminated to the An examination of this source reveals the hegemonic discourse regarding soldiers that was prevalent during the first decade of Israel's statehood. questions consider the role of visual practice in structuring and reinforcing 'gender regime', and its link to constitutional and military practices. The analyzes various images containing women soldiers and asks if representations changed during the first decade of Israel's statehood.

Hybridic Negotiation between Absorbing and Absorbed in the Moshav Ovdim

Rachel Sharabi

This article presents an encounter between hegemony (national institutions) and the "other" (Yemenite immigrants) in the Moshav Ovdim of Ravid, prior to the founding of the State of Israel and the ambivalence of the cultural field where the absorbing community encounters the new immigrants being absorbed. After the establishment of the State, the Moshav became a tool for implementing the "melting pot" policy, while Ravid evolved into a hybrid territory where a process of negotiation took place. The absorbed settlers strove to imitate the absorbing society, but not to assimilate. The simultaneous hybridization expressed both the internalization of settlement society principles and opposition to this society. Absorbing institutions attempted to enculturate the Yemenites and force Moshav principles on them, but gradually compromised, thus deviating from settlement ideology. Hence, the hegemonic voice did not act according to its own plan, nor was it monolithic.

Book Reviews:

Gil Eyal

On: The Arab-Jews: Nationalism, Religion and Ethnicity \ Yehouda Shenhav

Yifat Weiss

On: The Law of Return: Immigration Rights and Their Limits \ Na'ama Carmi

Yagil Levy

On: Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-2001 \ Benny Morris 

Dana Arieli-Horowitz

On: Football and Nationalism \ Ben Porat

Shoham Melamed

On: Birthing the Nation: Strategies of Palestinian Women in Israel \ Rhoda Ann Kanaaneh and Hanan Ashrawi

Henriette Dahan Kalev

On: The Mizrahi Struggle in Israel: Between Oppression and Liberation, Identification and Alternative, 1948-2003 \ Sami Shalom Chetrit

Shlomo Dashan

On: The Tents of Torah: The Yeshiva, Its Structure and History \ Mordechai Breuer

Avishai Erlich

On: Israeli Haredim: Integration without Assimilation? \ Emmanuel Sivan and Kimmy Caplan (Eds.)


Zvi Triger

On: Technologies of Justice: Law, Science and Society \ Shai Lavi (Ed.)

Rafael Snir

On: The Israeli Third Sector: Between Welfare State and Civil Society \ Benjamin Gidron, Michal Bar and Hagai Katz

Israeli Sociology - A Journal for the Study of Society in Israel

 Prof. Adriana Kemp, Dr. Talia Shiff, Dr. Rami Kaplan

Book Review Editor
Prof. Yehouda Shenhav-Shahrabani

Editorial Assistant
Dana Shay

Department of Sociology and Anthropology,
The Gershon Gordon Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv-Yafo, PO Box 39040, zip code 6139001
ISSN: 1565-1495
Phone: 03-640896
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