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Volume 8 Issue 1

August 2006

"What Do You Mean by Rehabilitating Us? Are We Cripples?": Project Renewal from the Standpoint of Community Theatre | Shulamith Lev-Aladgem

Community theatre is a cultural practice that articulates life experiences from the standpoint of the co-culture. It is a unique self-text that the co-culture creates for itself and by itself. It combines art with action, aesthetic with pragmatism, and social involvement with intentions to produce change. First the theoretical frame is outlined based on the neo-Gramscian approach to popular culture. Next this frame serves to analyze two community performances that focus on Project Renewal. The subversive tactics by which the co-culture negotiates with Project Renewal are sought out, as is the way these texts contribute to a broader understanding of the complex relationship between the dominant group and the co-culture.

Creative Cities: Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and the New Economy

Nurit Alfasi

The growing social, economic, and cultural chasm between two neighboring cities, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, is related to the intensification of globalization. In their global orientation, Jerusalem is a global locality while Tel Aviv constitutes a local globality. Moreover, Tel Aviv and its environs form the center of the expanding `creative` economy in Israel. The economic, demographic and symbolic consequences of the economic gaps are examined, and the effectiveness and significance of the reactions of national, municipal and civic bodies within Jerusalem to the widening rift are questioned.

Divorce in Israel: A Socio-Demographic Approach

Alisa C. Lewin

Divorce in Israel is affected by match between the spouses as well as investment in marriage-specific capital, marriage timing, and marriage parity. The matched 1983-1995 census samples, representing 4% of the Israeli population, collected and matched by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, serve as a panel study, and are used in the current study. The findings show that ethnic homogamy has a stabilizing effect when ethnicity is measured by country of origin, but the effect is not statistically significant when ethnicity is measured by continent of origin. The findings also show that match by education and age, as well as investment in marriage-specific capital and marriage parity, exert an effect on the odds of divorce.

Inequality in the Family: Married Women's Economic Dependency in Israel Across Time

Galit Aharon

Most studies that deal with gender inequality focus on labor market processes. The present article argues that the family unit is an additional system of social stratification and the married woman's economic dependency is a central mechanism for the maintenance of her weak social status. Changes in married women's economic dependence on their husbands in Israel from 1980 to 2000 are examined, as are household and spousal factors affecting it. Data from the Israeli Income Surveys show that the relative contribution of married women to the family income increased substantially over time, but the degree of economic dependence became more moderate in dual career families. Apparently, the rise in married women's labor force participation resulted in women moving from complete dependence to some dependence. A re-evaluation of family structure and the roles of its members in creating and sustaining gender inequality is necessary.

Violence, Control and Enjoyment: The Creation of "Terror Soliers"

Limor Samimian Darash

Duvdevan unit soldiers claim that in their military training a new body is created embedded with abilities of violence, control, and enjoyment. The article suggests a new theoretical model explaining the connection between the three concepts. The new bodily abilities are shown to remain in the soldier's body long after discharge from the military, a finding that calls for a discussion in the nature of these changes. For this purpose two analytical concepts are looked into: "Habitus" and "Local Biologies." Training creates a new bodily habitus and also a new local biology, suggesting an explanation for the finding of long-term change.

Discussion — Dialogic Moments

Opening Words | Rivka Ribak

The Quest for Authentic Dialogue | Tamar Katriel

On the Potential Efficacy of Words | Deborah Golden

Between Critique and Commitment: On Dialogic Moments by Tamar Katriel | Yoram S. Carmeli

Book Reviews:

Michael Shalev

On: Class Mobility Trends in Israeli Society, 1974-1991 \ Meir Yaish

Devorah Kalekin-Fishman

On: Turns and Returns in Israeli Education: Policy Guidelines for the 2000s \ Yuval Dror, David Nevo and Rina Shapira (eds.)

Orit Ichilov

On: Inequality in education \ Daphna Golan-Agnon (Ed.)

Tamar Horowitz

On: Ideology, Policy, and Practice: Education for Immigrants and Minorities in Israel Today \ Devorah Kalekin-Fishman

Noya Rimalt

On: Question of Honor: Israeliness and Human Dignity \ Orit Kamir

Hadar Aviram

On:  Courting Conflict: The Israeli Military Court System in the West Bank and Gaza \ Lisa Hajjar

Henriette Dahan-Kalev

On: Coloniality and the Postcolonial Condition: Implications for Israeli Society \ Yehouda Shenhav (Ed.)

Yfaat Weiss

On: Constructing a Sense of Place: Architecture and the Zionist Discourse \ Haim Yacobi (Ed.)

Stuart Cohen

On: The Israel Defense Force and the Foundation of Israel: Utopia in Uniform \ Ze'ev Drory

Nissim Leon

On: The Saints' Impresarios: Dreamers, Healers, and Holy Men in Israel's Urban Periphery \ Yoram Bilu

Yael Keshet

On: Negotiating the Holistic Turn: The Domestication of Alternative Medicine \ Judith Fadlon

Tamar Katriel

On: End of Story: Meaning, Identity, Old Age \ Tova Gamliel

Israeli Sociology - A Journal for the Study of Society in Israel

 Prof. Adriana Kemp, Dr. Talia Shiff, Dr. Rami Kaplan

Book Review Editor
Prof. Yehouda Shenhav-Shahrabani

Editorial Assistant
Dana Shay

Department of Sociology and Anthropology,
The Gershon Gordon Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv-Yafo, PO Box 39040, zip code 6139001
ISSN: 1565-1495
Phone: 03-640896
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